Someone recently said to me,”if you consistently do more that you are paid to do, you will very soon be getting paid more than you do”. This is my message to you today: Do More.
There are no shortcuts on the pathway to enduring success and an impactful life. Don’t belong to the bandwagon of mediocres who are always looking for a quick buck. See every task and assignment before you as an opportunity. That is what it truly is. An opportunity and a stepping stone.
David was a little boy. A vacancy for a king was to be filled from his father’s household but his father forgot him. His own father didn’t think him as a possible candidate. If he had been a bitter and angry young man, we would readily have understood with him. But that is not what we see. We see a trait in this ruddy boy that went on to serve him greatly in the years ahead. David “did more”.
As a teenager, I am sure he would have been perfectly in the right to have fled when the bear attacked the sheep under his care. Seeing a lion attacking his flock, you would have celebrated his “testimony” if simply ran away and saved his own life at the expense of a single sheep. But he didn’t do that. He belonged to the band of those that “Do More” than is expected of him.
Excellence is simply doing more that is the norm. You can’t be said to be excellent if you simply do what is “expected”. Break out. Do More!
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